

EUPHEME - Erasmus+ Project


it aims at:

- questionning the idea of "welcome" through a participative and collaborative process

- raising awaresness among the professionals on the welcome of mobile people (migrants and refugees) for a welcome worthy of its name

- providing professionals in charge of the welcome of mobile people (migrants and refugees) with a pedagogical toolkit


Coordinated by the publisher Migrilude in France, it is done in partnership with APAM in France, WHI in Belgium and WNB in Greece. The project started on september 1st, 2022 and will finish on June 30th, 2024.


Depositphotos 96604382 stock photo migration watercolors painted
Welcome 905562 960 720 1


What is the welcome?


définition from the dictionnary: action and manner of welcoming someone or something

What is the welcome for you?

How would you define it?